Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Δευτέρα 9 Μαρτίου 2009


Συνεχίζω την μεταφορά σημειώσεων εκ facebook προς τα εδώ και vice versa, αντί να σκέφτομαι περισσότερο. Γιατί όχι δηλαδή.

3 σχετικά νέα, σχεδόν ποιητικώς δομημένα κείμενα με φιλοδοξίες πότε επικών και πότε μοριακών διαστάσεων.


Little midget gone insane
Thought he'd killed me in a dream
All his children gone berserk
All their children built a hell

My unheeded wisdom
My unanswered calls
In my desolate kingdom
Humanity fails

In the timeless void, some names remain.
In some age-old tales, the villains are giants.
In some bleak distant future, the names regain
Some of the terror they carried long ago.

Διασχίζοντας τον Πυριφλεγέθοντα

Κι αν ο έρωτας σου έχει τιμή
τον οβολό του βαρκάρη,
κράτα μια μου ανάμνηση,
ένα μου γράμμα στο συρτάρι.
Να μείνει πίσω μία ηχώ,
να αντηχεί στο χρόνο
πως δε με στείλαν οι θεοί
στον άλλο κόσμο μόνο.
Πήρα μαζί ό,τι αγάπησα
τη νύχτα που σε γνώρισα.
Την πιο όμορφη νότα
από των λύκων το τραγούδι,
τη μυρωδιά της βροχής,
των κεραυνών τα φώτα.
Πήρα μαζί μου την εικόνα σου,
να με κοιτάς πρώτη φορά
με μάτια δακρυσμένα.
Και στέλνω πίσω απ' τ' άστρα ένα φιλί
μόνο για σένα, αγάπη μου, για σένα.

April 10th, 2099

1.The Epiphany of Johnny Crowe

Though no one will ever know
It was the day Johnny Crowe made up his mind.
He called her, to say "I love you".
He wasn't sure she heard,
The line was cut
Just as the radio announced the end.

He stood amazed out on the street
In time to watch a brave new dawn
Of 100 newborn suns
As 100 mushroom-shaped temples
Rose their domes to the stars.

Johnny Crowe smiled and took his gun
He only shed two tears
One for her & one for the things he could have done.

2.Pioneer Revisited

Little letter in a bottle, thrown into the sea
Gather our shattered hopes and dreams
Shoot them to the sky so they'll linger on.

Brave stranger, should you ever come across this probe
Save a memory for us, in your faraway home
Know we used to be here, once upon a time
Here's our history, our achievements, our crimes.


I used to wonder, would you love me,
If I was the last man on Earth?
Who'd guess,but now I know,and if I could ever choose again
I fear I'd keep the very same end.
So we wiped ourselves away,
But it's ok, cause you're mine.
Who's there to scorn me should I say,
It did not come a day too early,
April 10th, 2099.

And now, my love, it's up to us.
To pick up the pieces of our pride and reach for the stars
Give mankind one more chance-
Reseed the Sapiens.
Or spend our days and wither, our swansong written
Before perpetual silence.
In this final Earth we have shaped
Can we let all we've done be washed away?
Might this be the Last Sin
Of Ultimate Adam and Ultimate Eve?